Monday, December 14, 2009

Sen. Kerry Will Travel to Copenhagen Global Warming Summit by Commercial Airliner

Sen. Kerry Will Travel to Copenhagen Global Warming Summit by Commercial Airliner
"Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) will travel to the United Nations global warming conference in Copenhagen, Denmark on a commercial airliner, a senior Kerry aide told

“The senator expects to travel commercially as he has to past climate conferences,” the aide said, adding that the details of Kerry’s travel arrangement were contingent upon the Senate’s schedule."

The hypocrisy and phoniness of this man, and his "green" comrades, is stunning.

And the media.......willing enablers, as ever.

Incredibly, I find myself wishing the republicans were pushing the "Gorebal Warming" religion.

At least then the media might do some fact checking and exposing of rampant duplicity.

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