Thursday, April 08, 2010

Bogus report: Researchers find Michigan tax credits well spent on job creation

Researchers find Michigan tax credits well spent on job creation
"The report looks at the economic impact of MEGA compared to the alternative of funneling its resources to other government spending.
In doing so, researchers estimate the program increased the state's employment by 18,000 jobs between 1996 when it was created and 2007, according to the report.

The Upjohn study differs from a similar study released by the Anderson Economic Group in March that tackled the effectiveness of several state tax incentives, including MEGA grants.

That study found a 10 percent drop in state business taxes would have more impact than MEGA grants, Bartik said, but the two studies use different assumptions and the amount of money expended each year on MEGA grants is far less than a 10 percent cut in state business taxes."

Their study doesn't include the enormous costs involved with the increase in state employees and their bloated lifetime pensions/benefits to administer these boondoggles.

That adds up to increased taxes, crappier roads and crappier other services or both.

Sorta makes a difference...right?

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