Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Double-dip recession increasingly unlikely, economists say

Double-dip recession increasingly unlikely, economists say

Over the past few days, economists have been saying that fears of a double-dip recession are starting to ease, thanks to positive economic news in the past week."
Odds are against a double-dip recession," economist Alan Greenspan told ABC's "This Week," and on NBC's "Meet the Press," the chair of Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, Cristina Romer predicted economic growth for the year of 3 percent, which she said would be enough to keep creating jobs, according to a story from CNN Money.

Let's see how these liars are covered by the lib MSM 12 months from now.
We will spend ourselves into bankruptcy by hiring government workers (fed, state and local) and hiding the econo-disaster only so long.
The USSR (and California) taught us nothing?

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