Sunday, April 11, 2010

This College Says: Get a Job -- or Get Your Money Back

This College Says: Get a Job -- or Get Your Money Back
"Lansing Community College in Lansing, Mich., offers six-week training courses for students interested in careers as call-center specialists, pharmacy technicians, quality inspectors and computer machinists.

The cost for each of these certificate programs is is $2,400, but a special money-back guarantee program is being offered to 61 students.

If they attend every class, complete every assignment, and make a good-faith effort to get a job, if they are unable to find employment within a year after graduation, they'll get their tuition back."

This seems to be a safe bet from the LCC perspective:

The "attend every class, complete every assignment, and make a good-faith effort to get a job" isn't likely the norm for ANY LCC student who can't get a job.

It's sorta the key to success without worrying about getting your money back.

Like, isn't that the reason a kid goes to get a job?

But it sure sounds like an excellent idea for most major universities.

If this was the rule, imagine how many communications or black studies programs would shut down right NOW.

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