Thursday, October 03, 2013

IT’S COME TO THIS: Democrats Pay Union Members to Protest World War II Vets.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » IT’S COME TO THIS: Democrats Pay Union Members to Protest World War II Vets. 

You can’t make this stuff up: World War II veterans come to Washington to see their monument, and the Obama administration tries to block them by putting up barricades.
When that blunder starts getting media attention, the administration doubles down by paying union members $15 to march around, waving signs and protesting–as though that were a sure-fire way to generate sympathy for the nonessential federal employees who are getting the day off.
Is it possible that the Democrats could be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?

And does that perhaps have something to do with Obama’s backing down on his vow not to talk with Congressional Republicans?
Obama has now invited Congressional leaders to the White House for talks on ending the spending impasse.

Their messaging hasn’t been especially great."

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