Wednesday, June 01, 2016

State Department’s Former Top Watchdog Debunks Clinton’s Main Claim in Email Scandal |

State Department’s Former Top Watchdog Debunks Clinton’s Main Claim in Email Scandal |

“I would have been stunned had I been asked to send an email to her at a personal server, private address,” he continued. “I would have declined to do so on security grounds, and if she had sent one to me, I probably would have started an investigation.”

Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, has repeatedly said, even after the current inspector general’s report was released, that her use of her server was not “unprecedented” as other secretaries of state did the same thing.

However, as Krongard noted in his interview with Fox News, the IG report specifically contradicts that claim as it revealed that only Colin Powell used a personal email and only occasionally. He also worked with the State Department to ensure his email was secure — something the report found that Clinton did not do."

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