Thursday, March 21, 2019

Gender Pronouns Now a Police Matter in the UK | Trending

Gender Pronouns Now a Police Matter in the UK | Trending
"...Back in the old days, when "science" wasn't just a word you threw at a political opponent to make him shut up about the weather, you had boys and girls. 
Men and women. 
He and she, him and her, his and hers. 
Easy to remember, and backed up by an ancient system of arcane witchcraft called "biology." 
...In 2019, now that we've apparently run out of absolutely anything else to worry about, more and more men and women are insisting they're neither men nor women. 
They're "nonbinary." 
And if you address them by the same pronouns you used as recently as a year ago? 
They'll call the cops.*
...*No, seriously. 
This is now a matter for the police. In the UK, anyway.
A devout Catholic journalist has said she is being investigated by police after she called a transgender woman a man on Twitter.
Caroline Farrow appeared on ITV’s Good Morning Britain alongside Susie Green, whose daughter Jackie Green is transgender, to discuss the Girlguiding’s decision to let children who have changed their gender join the organisation...
Using the wrong pronoun could be an offence under the Malicious Communications Act, which makes it a crime to send messages that are indecent or grossly offensive, threatening, or contain information which is false or believed to be false, if the purpose for sending it is to cause distress or anxiety.
Here's a bit of a "breakfast telly" segment about it.

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Is it a crime to misgender people? Journalist India Willoughby believes if it's intentional, it should be treated like any hate crime.

This follows a police investigation into a journalist who misgendered a trans person on Twitter.

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