Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Elitist Vehicles: You Subsidize Them, But You Can’t Afford Them | The American Spectator

Elitist Vehicles: You Subsidize Them, But You Can’t Afford Them | The American Spectator:
"And that’s not the worst of it.
...The typical new EV sells for south of $50,000.
See the source imagePlus another couple thousand for a “fast” charger, so you can wait 30-45 minutes to get going again rather than all day.
The average person can’t afford this — in money or time.
But he is forced to subsidize this, which is an interesting thing given the hardest pushers of EVs are affluent liberals— who used to be people who feigned concern about the economic troubles of the average person.
Now they pick his pockets to fatten theirs.
...Also the nascent network of Elitist Vehicle “fast” charging hubs, which are being financed not by private businesses who see an opportunity to make money from it but by government (and crony capitalists) who see another opportunity — to take money.
...Economically, via the pincer movement of Elitist Vehicles that average people who can’t afford them are forced to subsidize, thereby reducing the economic power of the average person to afford any vehicle at all.
Politically, by illegalizing vehicles (via the elliptical route of regulations) that aren’t EVs — thereby forcing average people out of vehicles, period..."
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