Tuesday, July 02, 2019

SMITH: Trouble in Paradise. The Left’s Agenda Unleashed In Hawaii Serves As A Warning | Daily Wire

SMITH: Trouble in Paradise. The Left’s Agenda Unleashed In Hawaii Serves As A Warning | Daily Wire
"...And yet upon closer examination, Hawai’i is a good forecast of where other, more politically influential, states are headed.
See the source imageWhile California is generally looked to as the cultural canary in the coalmine for the rest of the U.S.,...
But Hawai’i has no such contrary undercurrent. 
...Long before Obamacare was mandated, Hawai’i functioned under the same method of providing healthcare to all within its borders. 
And before Virginia allowed for abortions up to the point of birth, Hawai’i was the first state to legalize abortion (before the Roe v. Wade decision). 
...While our laws may be reason enough to reconsider moving to our state, our open corruption should seal the deal.

  • This year the FBI has labeled the number of investigations into Hawai’i as “unprecedented.” 
  • In just the most populous county in Honolulu alone, there are investigations into the Honolulu Police Department and the Chief Prosecutor individually as well as his whole department. 
  • In addition, they are currently fighting off a variety of potential FTA investigations into the mysteriously disappearing funding for a boondoggle of a rail system that has increased into the $9.2 billion range (though likely much higher) for a track that only had a potential projection of 20 miles in length.
  • Hawai’i’s Department of Education...Despite a spate of local probes into HIDOE’s reported corruption and crumbling infrastructure (a majority of classrooms do not even have air conditioning in this tropical climate), the department has not been audited in the last 50 years.
  • Homelessness is in the public conversation nationally, but Hawai’i has been living with rising homeless persons, very often the mentally ill or drug-addicted, in public parks and business district streets for many years. 

...With only 4 electoral votes, Hawai’i may be the last state you worry about, but we are usually among the first states to push the boundaries of civil liberties for the more influential states to follow."
Read all.

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