Thursday, August 01, 2019

How Obama's Justice Dept managed to evade FOIA laws - WND

How Obama's Justice Dept managed to evade FOIA laws - WND:

Image result for flickr commons images Obama and ClintonACLJ said that having taken control of the laptops, “agreeing to severely limit its searches, agreeing to unlawfully shield the laptops from FOIA, then agreeing to dispose of the laptops, it appears the Comey FBI and Lynch DOJ did everything in their power to protect Clinton’s senior aids and lawyers from both criminal liability <and public scrutiny.”
The agreements documented that in return for temporary, brief and limited access to the computers, “no information directly obtained” will be used against the Clinton staffers.
ACLJ explained that one of its lawsuits seeking information about Obama-administration scandals, it went to court to “to force production of various records surrounding former FBI Director James Comey’s sham investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of private email servers and mishandling of classified information.”

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