Thursday, August 01, 2019

Walter E. Williams--Being a Racist Is Easy Today

Being a Racist Is Easy Today
"Years ago, it was hard to be a racist. 
You had to be fitted for and spend money on a white gown and don a pointy hat. 
You celebrated racism by getting some burlap, wrapping it around a cross, setting it ablaze and dancing around it carrying torches. 
Sometimes, as did Lester Maddox, you had to buy axe handles for yourself and your supporters to wield to forcibly turn away black customers from your restaurant. 
See the source imageOr, as in the case of Theophilus "Bull" Connor, you had to learn to direct fire hoses and vicious police attack dogs against civil rights demonstrators.
...Today, all that has changed. 
To be a racist today takes little effort. 
For example, one can sit back in his easy chair and declare that he's for across-the-board tax cuts. 
That makes you a racist. 
If you don't believe me, think back to 1994 when the Republican-led Congress pushed for a tax-cut measure. 
Former U.S. House of Representatives member Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., denouncing the Republicans' plan before a Manhattan audience as a form of modern-day racism said: "It's not 'spic' or 'n-----' anymore. (Instead,) they say, 'Let's cut taxes.'" 
A few months later, he compared the GOP's "Contract with America" to measures in Nazi Germany saying, "Hitler wasn't even talking about doing these things."...
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