Saturday, January 18, 2020

Five little noted doozies from last night's Democratic debate - American Thinker

Five little noted doozies from last night's Democratic debate - American Thinker
See the source image"...Bernie Sanders's concern-trolling about all those administrative costs connected to medical care as it is and how he's supposedly against them.
Sen. Sanders, your campaign proposals would double federal spending over the next decade, an unprecedented level of spending not seen since World War II. How would you keep your plans from bankrupting the country?
SANDERS: No, our plan wouldn't bankrupt the country. And, in fact, it would much improve the well-being of working-class families and the middle class.
Let us be clear what Medicare for all does. It ends all premiums. It ends all copayments. It ends the absurdity of deductibles. It ends out-of-pocket expenses. It takes on the pharmaceutical industry, which in some cases charges us 10 times more for the same prescription drugs sold abroad as sold here. 
What we will do through a Medicare for all single-payer program is substantially lower the cost of health care for employers and workers, because we end the $100 billion a year that the health care industry makes and the $500 billion a year we spend in administrative — the administrative nightmare of dealing with thousands of separate insurance plans.
Is this a joke? 
Since when does a Soviet-style health care plan such as Bernie proposes not include masses and masses of red tape?..."
Read all.

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