Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Cuban immigrant has dire warning for America, reveals connection between far-left and 'communists' - TheBlaze

Cuban immigrant has dire warning for America, reveals connection between far-left and 'communists' - TheBlaze:

Image result for flickr commons images Fidel CastroDuring the event, Alvarez explained that "communists" are now trying to force Americans to swallow the same "pill" that Fidel Castro tricked Cuban into swallowing during the Cuban Revolution.
"What is happening in our backyard today, I experienced as an 11-year-old. I remember vividly all the promises that a guy named Castro gave, and how 99% of the people swallowed the pill," Alvarez said.
According to Alvarez, Castro was selling the same bill of free goods to Cubans that far-left politicians are attempting to sell Americans today.
"I remember all the promises that we hear today about free education and free health care and free land," Alvarez said.

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