Thursday, April 01, 2021

Is Cyberwar War? - IEEE Spectrum

Is Cyberwar War? - IEEE Spectrum
  • "...In 2007, over the course of 22 days a Russian attack on Estonia took out commercial and government servers with distributed denial of service attacks...
  • In 2009, China stole plans for an advanced U.S. fighter jet, and Chinese hackers have subsequently attacked Google, Intel, Adobe, Morgan Stanley, the Wall Street Journal, and the Army Corps of Engineers.
  • In 2010, we learned of the U.S.–Israeli attack on Iran and its uranium centrifuges, known as  Stuxnet.
  • In 2015, a concerted attack, believed to have been Russian, on the power grid of another east European nation, Ukraine, left more than 200,000 people without electricity for at least several hours...
...I do feel overall that going in launching counterattacks is a very, very problematic way of dealing with things because there tends to be collateral damage...I think that in general, launching retaliatory cyber attacks is a bad idea. cybersecurity, the attackers just need to succeed once while the defenders need to succeed every time..Read all.

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