Thursday, June 02, 2022

History for June 2

History for June 2 -
Johnny Weissmuller 1904 - Olympic swimmer, he was the sixth actor to portray Tarzan in movies
  • 1774 - The Quartering Act, which required American colonists to allow British soldiers into their houses, was reenacted.
  • 1793 - Maximillian Robespierre initiated the "Reign of Terror". It was an effort to purge those suspected of treason against the French Republic.
  • 1835 - P.T. Barnum launched his first traveling show. The main attraction was Joice Heth. Heth was reputed to be the 161-year-old nurse of George Washington.
  • 1883 - The first baseball game under electric lights was played in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
  • 1954 - U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy correctly charged that there were communists working in the CIA and atomic weapons plants.
  • 2003 - In the U.S., federal regulators voted to allow companies to buy more television stations and newspaper-broadcasting combinations in the same city. The previous ownership restrictions had not been altered since 1975.

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