Wednesday, June 01, 2022

THE COLUMN: Forget Guns. Whatever Happened to Men? | The Pipeline

THE COLUMN: Forget Guns. Whatever Happened to Men? | The Pipeline
"...No, it's not guns, even "military-style" guns, to use a term that has no meaning except apparently to journalists—who should also brush up on the meaning of "semi-automatic" while they're at it but probably won't. 
...In any case, what the gun-grabbers are really aiming for is not "gun control" or "common sense" gun laws but confiscation and abolition...
  • No, the fault, to paraphrase Shakespeare, is not in our guns but in ourselves, and specifically in our men. For half a century masculinity has been under concerted attack in this country...until today it has been deemed "toxic" by the harpies of fourth-wave feminism and their very strange bedfellows in the QWERTYUIOP+ brigades. 
  • The unsurprising result has been the diminution and removal of genuine masculinity from the public square— even in the military, which now prizes women and trans-wokeness over men—and its replacement with sundry culturally unacceptable substitutes.
  • Chief among the missing males have been fathers: real, biological, spiritual, emotional, disciplinary fathers..."

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