Sunday, March 26, 2023

Why is she allowed to interact with normal students?!!-----Campus Reform | Queer prof realizes she also identifies as disabled

Campus Reform | Queer prof realizes she also identifies as disabled
"...During a Mar. 6 panel discussion, professor Sami Schalk of the University of Wisconsin-Madison gave an account of an epiphany she had while researching disability studies. 
...After, however, Schalk realized “there was a part of [her] that knew” she had a disability, similar to her self-realization that she was queer.
Schalk, besides being a professor of Gender & Women's Studies, describes herself as “polyamorous and a pleasure activist.” 
She has also "twerked" with Lizzo.
...Schalk did not specify in the panel discussion in what way she considers herself disabled, though in her book on the subject, she writes that she is "a person with depression, disordered eating, chronic pain, and anxiety," and thus is "unquestionably disabled."...

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