Thursday, September 14, 2023

RFK Jr. Telegraphs Threat To Abandon Democrat Party | ZeroHedge

RFK Jr. Telegraphs Threat To Abandon Democrat Party | ZeroHedge
  • The Democrat Party has a latent disaster on its hand vis a vis one RFK Jr.
"On the one hand, they are fully dedicated to sabotaging his campaign. Under no circumstances whatsoever will he be permitted to win the nomination...
On the other hand, they need to keep RFK Jr. within the Democrat Party fold because if he were to go rogue and run third party — which he, frankly, should have been doing all along — it would be a veritable death knell for the Brandon entity’s prospects in 2024, which are wafer-thin as it is...
If the DNC is gonna make it, is gonna rig it so that it is simply impossible for anybody to challenge President Biden, and you know I need to look at other alternatives. Because I can’t go back to the people who support me, to my donors, and say you know, I’m just going to, I’m just in this to make a point, I need to show them a road to victory.

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