Saturday, September 16, 2023

‘We’ve cut carbon emissions by decimating working-class communities’: the leader of the GMB union on the folly of net zero

‘We’ve cut carbon emissions by decimating working-class communities’: the leader of the GMB union on the folly of net zero
"...developers worried that they couldn’t turn a profit on the amount they would be paid for energy. 
There wasn’t a single bid.
‘Communities up and down the east coast can see wind farms, but they can’t point to the jobs’
  • ‘It was very embarrassing,’ says Gary Smith, leader of the GMB union. ‘Whitehall told us wind was getting cheaper and cheaper. Now there will be no bids for the next round of licences because the wind industry can’t afford to put up the projects.’...
The renewables lobby is very wealthy and powerful,’ says Smith. ‘I think people on the left, for good intentions, have got hoodwinked into a lot of this.’...

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