Monday, September 18, 2023

Yet another de-transitioner comes forward, suing doctors who she claims cut her up at 16 after two appointments and a single consultation: They 'affirmed that chaos into reality' - TheBlaze

Yet another de-transitioner comes forward, suing doctors who she claims cut her up at 16 after two appointments and a single consultation: They 'affirmed that chaos into reality' - TheBlaze

A Nebraska woman who underwent a sex-change surgery at the age of 16 is suing the medical practitioners who cut off her breasts, left her in a constant state of pain, and likely rendered her infertile. Luka Hein's complaint, filed Wednesday in the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, accuses University of Nebraska Medical Center and UNMC medical practitioners Dr. Jean Amoura, Dr. Perry Johnson, Dr. Stephan Barrientos, and therapist Megan Smith-Sallan of malpractice, alleging their "misleading descriptions and false claims" pertaining to sex-change mutilations were in violation of the state's Consumer Protection Act.

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