Monday, March 25, 2024

Advanced Economies Will Be Especially Hurt by Energy LimitsOur Finite World

Historical data show that, to date, a reduction in energy availability has mostly affected the US, European countries, Japan, and other advanced economies.  - Gail
"I expect this situation to continue as energy limits become more of a problem. 
  • Advanced economies will start looking and acting more like today’s less-advanced economies. 
  • The world economy will face a bumpy path in a generally downward direction.
In this post, I give an overview of our current predicament. 
All economies are subject to the laws of physics. 
  • We are biologically adapted to needing some cooked foods in our diets. 
  • We have also moved away from the equatorial regions, so many of us need heat to keep warm.
With a world population of 8 billion, we are a long way from meeting all our energy needs with renewable sources alone...

[1] Economies tend to collapse because populations rise faster than the resources (particularly energy resources) required to support those populations...

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