Sunday, March 24, 2024

Clarice Feldman - @hahussain:Except for a few Palestinians who wouldn't fill a room...

Clarice Feldman - ...the sweeping majority of Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza and especially in North America have been cheering for every walking and talking dictator on the face of the planet over the past century.
  • "...When Saddam invaded Kuwait in 1990, Palestinians called Kuwaitis the "Jews of the Gulf" and cheered for Saddam, until today.
  • When Iraqis were desperate to see brutal Saddam gone, Palestinians called Iraqis seeking freedom collaborators and agents of America and Israel....
Palestine is part of the problem, not the solution. 
The problem is within, not from outside (Israel or America or imperialism)...
They have to look inward and get rid of their own demons...

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