Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Eight Months to the Fate of Our Nation

Eight Months to the Fate of Our Nation - Jeff Davidson
"The other day, I was speaking to a friend...
  • He says that, with each passing day, the country in which he grew up increasingly looks more and more foreign to him. 
He sees laws that are flouted, primarily by Democrats, and go completely unpunished.
Whether it's rioting, looting, arson, or worse, he reads about district attorneys who decline to take a slam dunk case, bail reduced to zero for egregious crimes, and people who have committed violent acts being back on the street within 24 hours.
  • He has strong concerns about the fate of our children. He comments that if you have a five- or six-year-old, or for that matter a 15- or 16-year-old, somewhere along the line they're being indoctrinated. If not by one teacher, then by several; if not by one textbook, then by another.
  • Each day, in little ways, they're being taught to hate their country, their ethnicity if they are white, their history, and what Americans stand for. They are made to feel as if they are guilty of all the sins of the world since time began...
He is concerned about our ability to turn things around and at what cost
  • Will we need to fight a second Civil War
  • Will the internal, political cold war ever subside? 
  • If the Left doesn't care what they destroy, he wonders if that is their end game: to reduce the United States to rubble...

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