Friday, March 15, 2024

Jason Jacoby - The Oculus -Transition for children

Jason Jacoby - The Oculus A Perspective 1. Transition for... | Facebook - The Oculus
1. Transition for Children - I've heard over and over for the advocates for procedures, that denying the same is denying necessary medical treatment. 
  • A child cannot agree to treatment without parental consent nor can a child sign and enter into a contract. All medical treatment is performed per contract...
  • Regardless of whether an adult or child is to accept a procedure, informed consent is required. That is, a patient is to be advised of negative outcomes and risks. 
  • This admonishment is to be given in a level the patient can understand, and in easily understood terms. 
Failure to do so is malpractice.
  • Schools in their role of temporary in loco parentis ( in place of the parents) do not have the authority to give permission to non life threatening procedure. 
  • As such, any permission given without consent should waive any immunity from suit for the teacher and district.
  • Any non authorized permissions should result in the forfeiture of all licenses held, including the district...

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