Government by hysteria in other words, where fear and alarm are cultivated, then weaponised, for political ends...
The Climate Hobgoblins...
The threatening features of this genre of hobgoblins went through several permutations.
The Climate Hobgoblins...
The threatening features of this genre of hobgoblins went through several permutations.
- It started with Paul Ehrlich’s famine and war through over-population and the Club of Rome’s prediction of inevitable resource scarcity.
- It then morphed into global cooling during the 1970s,
- before finally settling for global warming (now called ‘climate change’) due to effects of greenhouse gases. The focus is on the trace gas carbon dioxide mainly emitted by humans combusting fuels for industry, cooking, heating, cooling and transport...
The story is that the CO2 hobgoblins are the control knob of climate and, by extension, our cataclysmic future, a theory spread via the panic of a Swedish school drop-out who deleted her predictive tweet about the end of the world by 2023...
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