Friday, October 19, 2012

I'll be back!

Something's come up.

Posting to resume in a week or so.....

Friday, October 12, 2012

Peg West: MLive and Chronicle election coverage ramping up

Peg West: MLive and Chronicle election coverage ramping up |
In addition, we will publish the Voters Guide in your Oct. 28 Muskegon Chronicle.
But we're just getting started on our coverage.
We already have provided previews and candidate profiles in our local races.
(I think of these necessary stories as the eating-your-broccoli part of election coverage.
They are good for us to consume, even if we don't crave them).

On Monday, at Muskegon Community College, we will hold a live debate for the three candidates in the 91st District House race, Holly Hughes, Collene Lamonte and Nick Sundquist.

TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES: James Taranto in his Best of the Web

Instapundit » Blog Archive » TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES: James Taranto in his Best of the Web column on the Left and the L-Word

"Reader Michael Segal traces a thread from a later decade’s America:
My wife remembers an interview with William F. Buckley back in the 1970s, when he predicted that our whole generation that left college after Watergate would shun politics as dirty, and the nation would suffer as a result.
Instead, my classmates who were interested in public affairs went into journalism and made it dirty."

From "my friend" Joe Biden....


I did my best to make you proud tonight.

But I hope you remember one thing: This debate wasn't about me, or Congressman Ryan.

It was about you, and what we're fighting for together.

So if you're standing with Barack and me, like we're standing with you, please chip in $5 or more to show it:



Vice President Jerk: The return of Smirky Malarkey McSmirk

Michelle Malkin » Vice President Jerk: The return of Smirky Malarkey McSmirk
While his theatrics may mollify partisan Obama-bots looking for more aggression after the president’s Empty Podium Day in the first debate, undecided voters were turned off.
What the Left perceived as “assertive” came across to uncommitted voters as asinine.

EU wins the Nobel Peace Prize despite crisis and looming break-up

EU wins the Nobel Peace Prize despite crisis and looming break-up | UK News | - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express
Meanwhile critics of the prize argued that it should have instead gone to bloggers from the Arab spring, Russian rights activists and even Julian Assange instead of the European body.
The European Union has been mired in crisis with strains on the euro and has been hit by protests throughout its 17 nation members over the past four years but the committee argued its role in the past was enough to guarantee the prize.

Detroit Police Union Official Says Resource Cuts Make Streets Unsafe, But Police and Fire Department Salaries Increased

Detroit Police Union Official Says Resource Cuts Make Streets Unsafe, But Police and Fire Department ... [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

U.S. Commerce Department plans to raise taxes on Americans buying solar panels from China

U.S. Commerce Department plans to raise taxes on Americans buying solar panels from China | AEIdeas
"Below is an edited version of a recent New York Times article, re-titled “U.S. Will Place Tariffs on Americans Buying Chinese Solar Panels.”
These revisions reflect the voice of millions of disorganized American consumers, which is a usually a mere whisper when trade policy is decided in Washington, compared to the very loud and well-organized screams of domestic producers using the political process to their advantage:"


Russia Decision To Pull Out Of Arms Dismantling Deal With U.S. Shows Failure Of Obama's 'Reset'

Russia Decision To Pull Out Of Arms Dismantling Deal With U.S. Shows Failure Of Obama's 'Reset' - In announcing the move, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov seemed to take a contemptuous dig at both the U.S. and the president. "The agreement doesn't satisfy us," he said, "especially considering new realities."
Those "new realities" no doubt include Obama's feckless "reset" — another word for U.S. capitulation to the New Russia's neo-imperialism under its strutting dictator wannabe, Vladimir Putin

Obama's Real Unemployment Rate Is 14.7%, And A Recession's On The Way

Obama's Real Unemployment Rate Is 14.7%, And A Recession's On The Way - Forbes
The BLS explains, “These individuals were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job.”
 That applied to 582,000 of the supposed new jobs reported by the September Household Survey, and a total of 8.6 million Americans last month.

Veep debate: Angry Joe and Martha vs. that nice Ryan fellow from Accounting

Veep debate: Angry Joe and Martha vs. that nice Ryan fellow from Accounting - Conservative News
Raddatz did ask a few solid questions of Biden, although never with anything like the contentious tone she displayed toward Romney, and she didn’t cut him off nearly as much.
Biden was rather rude to her during these moments. 
He doesn’t like being challenged much more than his boss does.

Report Describes How Lance Armstrong Beat Cycling’s Drug Tests

Report Describes How Lance Armstrong Beat Cycling’s Drug Tests -
How could the world’s greatest cyclist, always in the cross hairs of doping officials, never fail a drug test if he was doping, Armstrong reasoned.
An explanation emerged Wednesday, when the United States Anti-Doping Agency released its dossier on Armstrong, citing witness testimony, financial records and laboratory results.
Armstrong was centrally involved in a sprawling, sophisticated doping program, the agency said, yet he employed both cunning and farcical methods to beat the sport’s drug-testing system.
The report also introduced new scientific evidence that the agency said suggested Armstrong was doping the last two times he competed in the Tour de France.

US Nears Fiscal Disaster: ‘Washington Doing Nothing’

US Nears Fiscal Disaster: ‘Washington Doing Nothing’ - US Business News - CNBC
"People are never going to understand how critical this particular time in history is," said Erskine Bowles, the North Carolina businessman and co-chairman of President Barack Obama's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.
 "We have $7.7 trillion worth of economic events that are going to hit America in the gut in December, and in Washington they're doing nothing about it."

‘Market Duress’ Ahead?

‘Market Duress’ Ahead? — US Business News - CNBC
"If we imagine a Greek euro [EUR=X 1.298 0.0054 (+0.42%) ] exit today, I think that the consequences for the rest of Europe would be very severe," Marcussen says.
"I do not think we are in a position to be able to manage that contagion."

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Jack Welch: I Was Right About That Strange Jobs Report

Jack Welch: I Was Right About That Strange Jobs Report -
The good news is that the current debate has resulted in people giving the whole issue of unemployment data more thought.
Moreover, it led to some of the campaign's biggest supporters admitting that the number merited a closer look—and even expressing skepticism.
The New York Times in a Sunday editorial, for instance, acknowledged the 7.8% figure is "partly due to a statistical fluke."

Muskegon Heights asked to pay for old district

Muskegon Heights asked to pay for old district |
A proposal on the November ballot will ask voters in Muskegon Heights to renew an 18 mill non-homestead property tax, to help pay off the public school district's old debts.
The tax would be paid by commercial property owners and non-residents who own property, like rentals.
Even though the district no longer exists, the Muskegon Heights emergency financial manager, Donald Weatherspoon, says it still owes 300 creditors a total of $16 million.

Not Every Sheriff Ignoring Voter Fraud

Not Every Sheriff Ignoring Voter Fraud - 620 WTMJ - Milwaukee's Source for Local News and Weather
Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney says that his department’s order to deputies to ignore possible voter fraud in the county jail is part of a long-standing policy of his department.
He insists that the memo explaining the order contains no new information and that concerns over inmates with felony convictions being allowed to vote is not his responsibility.
But officials with sheriff’s departments in other parts of the state have a different take.

A Modest Proposal To Stop California's Rich At The State Line

A Modest Proposal To Stop California's Rich At The State Line -
California was once the land of opportunity, but it is going down the tubes.
Several of California's prominent cities have declared bankruptcy, such as Vallejo, Stockton, Mammoth Lakes and San Bernardino.
Others are on the precipice, and that includes Los Angeles, California's largest city.
California's 2012 budget deficit is expected to top $28 billion, and its state debt is $618 billion.
That's more than twice the size of New York's state debt, which itself is the second-highest in the nation.

Exorbitant Michigan Pensions Hurt Children, Teachers

Exorbitant Michigan Pensions Hurt Children, Teachers
First, the taxpayer side of the equation. Using 2011 Census Bureau figures for population and average household, and state figures for unfunded liabilities, the gap between what Michigan has saved and what it will owe just for current employees’ retirement benefits is approximately $11,000 per household.