Tuesday, November 03, 2015

History for November 3

History for November 3 - On-This-Day.com:
John Montague 1718, William Cullen Bryant 1794, Charles Bronson 1921 

Lulu (Marie Lawrie) 1948 - Singer, actress ("To Sir, With Love"), Roseanne Barr 1952 - Actress, comedian ("Roseanne"), Dennis Miller 1953 - Radio talk show host, actor,Comedian ("Saturday Night Live") 

1507 - Leonardo DaVinci was commissioned by the husband of Lisa Gherardini to paint her. The work is known as the Mona Lisa. 

1793 - Stephen F. Austin was born. He was the principal founder of Texas

1796 - John Adams was elected the 2nd U.S. President. 

1911 - Chevrolet Motor Car Company was founded by Louis Chevrolet and William C. Durant. 

1941 - U.S. Ambassador to Japan John Grew warned that the Japanese may be planning a sudden attack on the U.S. 

1957 - Sputnik II was launched by the Soviet Union. It was the second manmade satellite to be put into orbit and was the first to put an animal into space, a dog named Laika. 

1992 - Carol Moseley-Braun became the first African-American woman U.S. senator. 

1998 - Minnesota elected Jesse "The Body" Ventura, a former pro wrestler, as its governor.

Monday, November 02, 2015

New Speaker of the House says “We Can’t Trust Obama on Immigration” - Eagle Rising

New Speaker of the House says “We Can’t Trust Obama on Immigration” - Eagle Rising:

"Ryan made it clear that he felt things like immigration reform should be handled in a far different manner than former Speaker John Boehner had handled it. Arguing that, as Speaker, his job is to lead the House by unifying (to the best of his ability) the GOP and move forward on consensus… not by fear."

Phoenix earthquake: Three earthquakes near Black Canyon City on Sunday, shaking felt in Phoenix - ABC15 Arizona

Phoenix earthquake: Three earthquakes near Black Canyon City on Sunday, shaking felt in Phoenix - ABC15 Arizona:

BLACK CANYON CITY, AZ - Did you feel that? Three earthquakes in Black Canyon City on Sunday night shook the Phoenix area and surrounding cities.
The first earthquake happened at around 8:59 p.m. The 3.2-magnitude earthquake was reported about 6 miles northeast of Black Canyon City. 
The second earthquake, registering 4.1 magnitude, was reported at around 11:29 p.m. about 7 miles northeast of Black Canyon City. 

Famous Watergate Reporter says Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi Lies Better Bother Us! - Eagle Rising

Famous Watergate Reporter says Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi Lies Better Bother Us! - Eagle Rising:

"That is until Bob Woodward (of Watergate fame) appeared with Chris Wallace on Fox News this past Sunday. Woodward was a guest on Fox News Sunday when Chris Wallace asked him if the apparent disconnect in what the Obama administration was saying publicly and privately (that publicly they blamed the YouTube video but privately they were telling everyone it was a terrorist attack) ‘bothered him’?

The liberal icon responded there were legitimate questions to be asked in the situation about the inconsistencies and that the Benghazi scandal deserved being investigated. Woodward then went even further, “It better bother us. And this is the question we’re going to look at. And, you know, if she’s the nominee, she’s going to get a full field investigation by everyone."

Notable & Quotable: Tom Wolfe

Notable & Quotable: Tom Wolfe - WSJ:
From an interview with author Tom Wolfe by the National Endowment for the Humanities, on the occasion of his being honored as the NEH’s Jefferson Lecturer in 2006:
I make a distinction between intellectuals and people of intellectual achievement. . . .
An intellectual feeds on indignation and really can’t get by without it. 
The perfect example is Noam Chomsky. 
When Chomsky was merely the most exciting and most looked-to and, in many ways, the most profound linguist in this country if not the world, he was never spoken of as an American intellectual. Here was a man of intellectual achievement. 
He was not considered an intellectual until he denounced the war in Vietnam, which he knew nothing about. 
Then he became one of America’s leading intellectuals. 
He remains one until this day, which finally has led to my definition of an intellectual: 
An intellectual is a person who is knowledgeable in one field but speaks out only in others.

Victoria Fascinating story of courage!----Cross: Goes On a Suicide Charge. Didn’t Stop Screaming, Shooting & Killing Everything in His Path Until the Enemy Were In Full Retreat

Victoria Cross: Goes On a Suicide Charge. Didn’t Stop Screaming, Shooting & Killing Everything in His Path Until the Enemy Were In Full Retreat:
London Gazette, 27 July 1944 ], for the award of the Victoria Cross, Waken Hill, Imphal, India, 6 April 1944, Jemadar Abdul Hafiz, 3rd Bn, 9th Jat Regiment, Indian Army.
The citation reads as follows:
In Burma, in the early hours of the 6th April 1944, in the hills 10 miles North of Imphal, the enemy had attacked a, standing patrol of 4 men and occupied a prominent feature overlooking a Company position. At first light a patrol was sent out and contacted the enemy, reporting that they thought approximately 40 enemy were in position. It was not known if they had dug in during the hours of darkness.
medalThe Company Commander ordered Jemadar Abdul Hafiz to attack the enemy, with two sections from his platoon, at 0930 hours. An artillery concentration was put down on the feature and Jemadar Abdul Hafiz led the attack. The attack was up a completely bare slope with no cover, and was very steep near the crest. Prior to the attack, Jemadar Abdul Hafiz assembled his sections and told them that they were invincible, and the entire enemy on the hill would be killed or put to flight. He so inspired his men that from the start the attack proceeded with great dash.
When a few yards below the crest the enemy opened fire with machine-guns and threw grenades. Jemadar Abdul Hafiz sustained several casualties, but immediately ordered an assault, which he personally led, at the same time shouting the Mohammedan battle cry.
The assault went in without hesitation and with great dash up the last few yards of the hill, which was very steep. On reaching the crest Jemadar Abdul Hafiz was wounded in the leg, but seeing a machine-gun firing from a flank, which had already caused several casualties, he immediately went towards it and seizing the barrel pushed it upwards, whilst another man killed the gunner.
Jemadar Abdul Hafiz then took a Bren gun from a wounded man and advanced against the enemy, firing as he advanced, and killing several of the enemy. So fierce was the attack, and all his men so inspired by the determination of Jemadar Abdul Hafiz to kill all enemy in sight at whatever cost, that the enemy, who were still in considerable numbers on the position, ran away down the opposite slope of the hill.
Abdul_Hafiz_VCRegardless of machine-gun fire which was now being, fired at him from another feature a few hundred yards away, he pursued the enemy, firing at them as they retired. Jemadar Abdul Hafiz was badly wounded in the chest from this machine-gun fire and collapsed holding the Bren gun and attempting to fire at the retreating enemy, and shouting at the same time “Re-organise on the position and I will give covering fire.” He died shortly afterwards.
The inspiring leadership and great bravery displayed by Jemadar Abdul Hafiz in spite of having been twice wounded, once mortally, so encouraged his men that the position was captured, casualties inflicted on the enemy to an extent several times the size of his own party, and enemy arms recovered on the position which included 3 Lewis Machine-guns, 2 grenade dischargers and 2 officers’ swords. The complete disregard for his own safety and his determination to capture and hold the position at all costs was an example to all ranks, which it would be difficult to equal.
Jemadar Abdul Hafiz was killed during his VC action and was buried in the Imphal Indian Army War Cemetery, Manipur State.
click link and read this amazing story!

The Inspiration Behind The 2nd Amendment Is STUNNING... Get Ready To Hear Liberals Scream

The Inspiration Behind The 2nd Amendment Is STUNNING... Get Ready To Hear Liberals Scream:

"Most Americans are unaware of this, but inspiration for the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution stemmed from none other than the ancestors of our greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel.

In explaining this fact, writer William J. Federer cited an article by David B. Kopel, “Ancient Hebrew Militia Law,” published in the July 2013 edition of the Denver University Law Review."

WHAT COULD GO WRONG? German Town of 102 to ‘Welcome’ 750 Refugees.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » WHAT COULD GO WRONG? German Town of 102 to ‘Welcome’ 750 Refugees. Well, here’s a clue: “One …:
NOVEMBER 1, 2015
WHAT COULD GO WRONG? German Town of 102 to ‘Welcome’ 750 Refugees. 
Well, here’s a clue: “One of the few people, in fact, who seem enthusiastic about the plan for Sumte is Holger Niemann, 32, an admirer of Hitler and the lone neo-Nazi on the elected district council. He rejoices at the opportunities the migrant crisis has offered.”

Good read. Scary read-----Who Was Right: Orwell or Huxley?

Who Was Right: Orwell or Huxley? | Intellectual Takeout
From the Foreword of Neil Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business, in which he compares the dystopian visions of George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World:
“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books.
What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. 
Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. 
Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. 
Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. 
Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. 
Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumplepuppy. 
As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny ‘failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.’ 
In 1984, Huxley added, people are controlled by inflicting pleasure. 
In short, Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. 
Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us.”

Bad news for liberals: giant solar plant has HUMONGOUS problem

Bad news for liberals: giant solar plant has HUMONGOUS problem - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com
Despite concerns about its costs to taxpayers and effect on a fragile desert environment, the Ivanpah Solar Power Facility was approved by the Obama Department of Energy, cleared regulatory hurdles of the Department of the Interior, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Wildlife, Fish & Game, S.E.C, I.R.S and others and construction was begun in 2010.
The Dept. of Energy granted Ivanpah $1.6 billion in loan guarantees plus as a ‘green-energy’ project it also qualified for and received more than $600 million in federal tax credits!
So proud of this ‘advance’ in power production was President Obama that he routinely heaped praised upon the project as a shining example of America’s clean energy future.
In October of 2010, from the future site of the facility, on his weekly radio address the President said, “With projects like this one we’re putting Americans to work producing clean, home-grown American energy.”
Well, Ivanpah is completed, up, running and functional and guess what?
It’s not so “clean” after all AND to add insult to injury, it’s inefficient too!
Turns out Ivanpah uses a lot of fossil fuel, primarily natural gas, to pre-heat water at the top of its towers prior to sunrise and it has massive auxiliary gas boilers that come on ….when there’s cloud cover blocking the sun.
According to the Press Enterprise in Riverside, CA, data from the California Energy Commission shows the plant burned enough natural gas in 2014 — its first year of operation — to emit more than 46,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide. 
That’s nearly twice the pollution threshold for power plants or factories in California to be required to participate in the state’s cap-and-trade program to reduce carbon emissions.
The same amount of natural gas burned at a conventional power plant would have produced enough electricity to meet the annual needs of 17,000 California homes – about 25 percent of the Ivanpah plant’s total electricity projection for 2014!!
...The facility is cooking birds mid-flight, over 3,500 of them in its first year, according to the Desert Sun.
...“It feels like a bait and switch,” Lamfrom said.
“This project was held up as a model of innovation.
We didn’t sign up for greener energy.
We signed up for green energy.”
So you’ve been bait and switched by the Obama administration, Mr. Go Green?
Welcome to the club, brother.


Martin Luther warned about appeasing Islam 500 years ago

Martin Luther warned about appeasing Islam 500 years ago:

"During this time, Muslim Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent invaded Europe on land and sea. In 1529, 35-year-old Suleiman the Magnificent sent 100,000 Muslim Turks to surround Vienna, Austria.

Martin Luther wrote: “The Turk is the rod of the wrath of the Lord our God. … If the Turk’s god, the devil, is not beaten first, there is reason to fear that the Turk will not be so easy to beat. … Christian weapons and power must do it…”

Martin Luther continued:"

RIP Fred

'Colossal waste': Watchdog slams $43M, US-funded gas station in Afghanistan

'Colossal waste': Watchdog slams $43M, US-funded gas station in Afghanistan | Fox News:
"It might be the world's most expensive gas station — not to mention a gross misuse of taxpayer money, according to a top government watchdog.
AfghanistanGasStation.jpgThe lead oversight team monitoring U.S. spending in Afghanistan has found the Department of Defense spent $43 million to build a gas station in Afghanistan that should have cost roughly $500,000. 
...But most alarming, according to Sopko, is the DOD's failure to answer questions about the $800 million program and its claim the Task Force's employees no longer work for the DOD.
"I have never in my lifetime seen the Department of Defense or any government agency clam up and claim they don't know anything about a program," said Sopko, a former federal prosecutor appointed by President Obama in 2012 to watch over spending in Afghanistan.
"Who's in charge? 
Why won't they talk?" he said.
"We have received more allegations about this program than we have received about any other program in Afghanistan...""

Imagine NO ELECTRICITY for weeks...months!!-----Can cyber-hackers shut down the power grid?

Don't expect the MSM to report this-----Mass gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet greater than losses

Mass gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet greater than losses -- ScienceDaily:
"A new study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers."
This map shows the rates of mass changes from ICESat 2003-2008 over Antarctica. Sums are for all of Antarctica:
East Antarctica (EA, 2-17); interior West Antarctica (WA2, 1, 18, 19, and 23); coastal West Antarctica (WA1, 20-21); and the Antarctic Peninsula (24-27). A gigaton (Gt) corresponds to a billion metric tons, or 1.1 billion U.S. tons.
Credit: Jay Zwally/ Journal of Glaciology

URGENT: Texas Mayor Takes Stand Against Islam And Gets BAD News... But She's NOT Backing Down

URGENT: Texas Mayor Takes Stand Against Islam And Gets BAD News... But She's NOT Backing Down:

"After a Texas high school student, Ahmed Mohammed, was arrested for refusing to answer questions about a suspicious bomb-looking “clock” device he brought to school, officials in his town of Irving started being demonized by the liberal mainstream media.

The media’s number one target soon became Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne, whom they disparaged as a Islamophobe for her bold willingness to stand up for her law enforcement officers."

Double-dose of EPA regulations will make your bank account scream

Double-dose of EPA regulations will make your bank account scream - Watchdog.org
The Independence Institute, a free-market think tank headquartered in Denver, compiled a white paper in April titled “Colorado and the Clean Power Plan: Expensive, Ineffective, Illegal and impossible.” 
According to their research, if EPA’s CPP is implemented, beginning in the year 2020:
  • American consumers, businesses and industries will pay $284 billion more each year in power and gas costs
  • The total annual cost of power and gas will total more than $750 billion
  • The average annual U.S. household’s combined electricity and gas bills will increase by $680.00....  If implemented, the Institute, which labels this regulation the most expensive in American history, warns “non-attainment,” or the inability of local governments to comply, will result in:
  • An annual loss of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) loss of $140 billion
  • Decreased electrical reliability
  • Increased forced outages
  • Potential delays in highway funding
  • Shuttered coal-fired power plants
  • The closure of manufacturing and industrial facilities
  • Skyrocketing food costs as agricultural producers are negatively effected
  • Costly restrictions on small businesses that will harm consumers
  • Expensive regulations on vehicles and fuels
  • Lower local and state tax revenue due regulatory strains at all levels...