Monday, November 02, 2015

'Colossal waste': Watchdog slams $43M, US-funded gas station in Afghanistan

'Colossal waste': Watchdog slams $43M, US-funded gas station in Afghanistan | Fox News:
"It might be the world's most expensive gas station — not to mention a gross misuse of taxpayer money, according to a top government watchdog.
AfghanistanGasStation.jpgThe lead oversight team monitoring U.S. spending in Afghanistan has found the Department of Defense spent $43 million to build a gas station in Afghanistan that should have cost roughly $500,000. 
...But most alarming, according to Sopko, is the DOD's failure to answer questions about the $800 million program and its claim the Task Force's employees no longer work for the DOD.
"I have never in my lifetime seen the Department of Defense or any government agency clam up and claim they don't know anything about a program," said Sopko, a former federal prosecutor appointed by President Obama in 2012 to watch over spending in Afghanistan.
"Who's in charge? 
Why won't they talk?" he said.
"We have received more allegations about this program than we have received about any other program in Afghanistan...""

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