Saturday, April 29, 2017

The GOP’s Current Obamacare Bill, Coherently Explained | Power Line

The GOP’s Current Obamacare Bill, Coherently Explained | Power Line
"...House Republicans now have produced a second version of the bill, which has been improved so as to draw support from the Freedom Caucus.
Image result for this makes senseBut what exactly is going on? 
What would the new House bill do? 
Can the Senate improve it, and if so, how? 
And, should conservatives support the current House proposal?
By far the most coherent discussion of these questions that I have seen comes from Peter Nelson, one of America’s top health care experts. 
...He has drafted a simple, clear, three-page explication of what the current bill contains, why conservatives should support it, and how it should be improved by the Senate. 
For clarity and information value, I haven’t seen anything like it.
Peter’s memo is being distributed by national organizations to every member of Congress and their staffs. 
It is expected to have a great deal of influence as the debate over Obamacare repeal proceeds. 
Here it is, hot off the press:"
  • Establish a program to guarantee coverage to people with preexisting conditions through a high-risk pool. Prior to Obamacare, a few states operated successful high risk pools that kept premiums affordable for the general population while at the same time provided high quality care at an affordable price to people with high risks.
  • Establish an invisible high-risk pool that allows people with preexisting conditions to access the same coverage as everyone else.Traditional high risk pools have been criticized because they segregate high risks from the rest of the market. A state may want to segregate high risks for funding purposes only while at the same time giving high risks the ability to shop for any product in the market.
  • Create a new marketplace for high risks where insurers compete to tailor products to specific conditions. In the current market, insurers design products to avoid high risks. States could create a new market for high risks where insurers tailor products to specific conditions, such as cancer and diabetes..."
Read it all!

Blog: The little girl who grew up to sell murdered baby parts

Blog: The little girl who grew up to sell murdered baby parts:
"She is one of the most reviled women in America today among a large swath of the population, infamous for her casual "Lamborghini" joke while discussing the harvesting of aborted unborn babies for their organs in an undercover 2015 video exposé, yet Planned Parenthood executive Mary Gatter was once a small girl in pigtails precociously gazing at the camera on a sunny day.
Gatter is back in the news after a new video from the Center For Medical Progress finds her doubling down on her shockingly callous remarks of two years ago.  
"I did it in L.A. I'm committed to it, I think it's a great idea," she says of trading the organs of murdered babies for cash in the new video.
Image result for Mary Gatter"What kind of volume do you need and what gestational ages?" Gatter, who now serves as Planned Parenthood, Pasadena, Calif. medical director, coldly asks after being notified that a would-be customer is looking for liver, lung, and brain parts from unborn babies.
Gatter has been pilloried for haggling over the price paid to Planned Parenthood to collect intact fetal specimens, with her tossed off joke, "I want a Lamborghini," marking her as especially unfeeling in the eyes of an outraged public.
In the new video, the bargaining continues, with her casually dismissing a price of $50 per specimen as outdated.
"Yeah, fifty's on the low end," Gatter says. "Fifty was like 12 years ago."
Yet in a blog titled "The Landis-Foster-Hutton Family Tree," we see a more human side of Gatter in an array of pictures, starting with her as a smiling two-year-old sitting atop a pony "in 1948 or 49" and ending with her working in a clinic or hospital in Iran in 2008..."

Pentagon yields to CAIR demand to ‘review’ counter-terror training

Pentagon yields to CAIR demand to ‘review’ counter-terror training:

 "But CAIR, regarded by the FBI as a Hamas front in the U.S., was designated by the Justice Department as an unindicted co-conspirator in a terror-funding plot and by the United Arab Emirates as a terrorist organization.

According to evidence entered in the terror-financing case, CAIR was founded by figures associated with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, the worldwide movement that has stated its intent to transform the U.S. into an Islamic state. More than a dozen CAIR leaders have been charged or convicted of terrorism-related crimes."

HERE IT IS=> Complete List of President Trump's Major Accomplishments in First 100 Days

HERE IT IS=> Complete List of President Trump's Major Accomplishments in First 100 Days
"...Now as President Trump’s first 100 days in office come to an end, here is a complete list of his accomplishments and his resulting impact on the economy and world affairs in this very short period of time:

Image result for trump happy* The DOW daily closing stock market average rose more than 15% since the election on November 8th.  (On November 9th the DOW closed at 18,332 – on March 1st the DOW closed at 21,115).
* Since the Inauguration on January 20th the DOW rose 6.5%.  (It was at 19,827 at January 20th and reached 21,115 on March 1st.)
* The DOW took just 66 days to climb from 19,000 to above 21,000, the fastest 2,000 point run ever.  The DOW closed above 19,000 for the first time on November 22nd and closed above 21,000 on March 1st.
* The DOW closed above 20,000 on January 25th and the March 1st rally matched the fastest-ever 1,000point increase in the DOW at 24 days.
* The US Stock Market gained $2 trillion in wealth since Trump was elected!
* The S&P 500 broke $20 Trillion for the first time in its history.
* In the history of the DOW, going back to January 1901, the DOW record for most continuous closing high trading days was set in January of 1987 when Ronald Reagan was President. The DOW set closing highs an amazing 12 times in a row that month.  On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!

Much, much more!
Read on!

Here's A Yuuuge Wage Gap That Trump Ought To Close | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Here's A Yuuuge Wage Gap That Trump Ought To Close | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
"BIG Government: We hear endless lamentations about the alleged gender pay gap. 
But what about the other, very real, pay gap? 
Image result for greedy big governmentThe one where government workers make far more than their private sector counterparts.
To get a clear picture of public-private pay gap, the Congressional Budget Office looked at pay scales from 2011 through 2015,  controlling for things like location, occupation, veteran status, demographics, as well as education.
It found that among those with a high school diploma, federal civilian workers earned 34% more, on average, than similar workers in the private sector. 
But government workers also get benefits that are 93% more generous than the private sector. 
When you combine the two, these federal workers get 52% more than their private sector counterparts..."
Read on!

Lunch video-----richard sidey expedition photography


Hundreds Vote Illegally in North Carolina after Court Bans Election Integrity Law - Judicial Watch

Hundreds Vote Illegally in North Carolina after Court Bans Election Integrity Law - Judicial Watch:

 "Judicial Watch has been heavily involved in the North Carolina case and in 2015 filed an amicus curiae brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in opposition to a lower court ruling preventing the state from implementing its election integrity reform law. Passed by the legislature in 2013 the measure requires voters to present a photo identification, eliminates same-day registration, shortens the early voting period from 17 to 10 days and requires voters to cast ballots in their own precinct. The Obama administration joined a group of leftist organizations to challenge the law in federal court, alleging that it disparately and adversely affects minority voting rights."

Will Fascism Come to America through Its Colleges and Universities? | Roger L. Simon

Will Fascism Come to America through Its Colleges and Universities? | Roger L. Simon:
"If fascism comes to America, it will be through our college and university system.
The biggest cowards in our country today are many, if not most, of our college and university administrators followed closely by a fair amount of their faculty.  
They are allowing their institutions to be taken over by a monolithic world view that is increasingly totalitarian and antithetical to the diversity of opinion on which the search for truth depends.
Image result for antifa free speechThe inmates are running the asylum -- and not with any of the humor of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
It's only a slight exaggeration to say that Social Justice Warriors are to social justice what the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea is to democracy.  
In a few years, freshman handbooks may no longer be necessary.
They can give out copies of Orwell's Animal Farm instead.
...Think I'm exaggerating?  
In September 2015, the indispensable Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) launched a campaign in support of the University of Chicago New Free Speech Statement that advocated for a "completely free and open discussion of ideas" on that campus.
...Even more disturbing, as of December 19, 2016, only 17 (out of over 4000!) of our institutions of higher learning had adopted the U. Chicago statement or something similar..."
Read on!

Stadium Subsidies Thriving in Sports Season | Economics21

Stadium Subsidies Thriving in Sports Season | Economics21
April is the high-water mark for America’s major sports. Fans will tune in across the country tonight to follow their teams, whether the NFL draft, the NBA or NHL playoffs, or spring baseball. As fun as these sports are, when it comes to funneling public funds to new sports venues, state and local governments should just say no.
Proponents claim the new publicly-funded stadiums will deliver benefits to the surrounding areas. But these claims do not hold up under scrutiny. Stadiums should not receive further public subsidies.
The practice of threatening to relocate if the current locale does not fork over more public money for a new stadium is now common practice, most recently seen with the Raiders leaving Oakland for the Las Vegas desert. 
All told, the Raiders were able to secure nearly $1 billion in subsidies to entice them to move.
The Raiders are just the tip of the iceberg. 

Mizzou enrollment plunge continues: Three more dorms shutting down next year - The College Fix

Mizzou enrollment plunge continues: Three more dorms shutting down next year - The College Fix:
Image result for Melissa “Muscle” Click –"The public university that gave us Melissa “Muscle” Click – and announced open season on student journalists that try to cover social justice warriors – continues to suffer fallout from the November 2015 melee.
The University of Missouri is shutting down three dorms next year because of low freshman enrollment, The Maneater reports.
...This is on top of four other dorms that were already scheduled to go “offline” because of plummeting enrollment.
Two of them – no joke – are named “Respect” and “Excellence....”
Read on!

The Washington Post Writes in Praise of Paid Protesters | The Rush Limbaugh Show

The Washington Post Writes in Praise of Paid Protesters | The Rush Limbaugh Show:

 "RUSH: Look at this headline in the Washington Post. This is an op-ed: “So What if Protesters Are Paid?” Oh, really? So they’re gonna admit it now. Now, why are they admitting it. This is in relation to all of these protests, all over the country. I don’t care which. Pick one. Pick any of them during the campaign, pick any of the Trump rallies since he was inaugurated. When the first travel ban happened, remember there were tens of thousands of people at airports all over America and in the streets in New York, Washington, and Philadelphia.
We were saying here, “Folks, this is not organic. This didn’t just happen.”"

David Burge on Twitter: "Wisconsin fake fitness duo pranks local TV, resulting in the greatest example of Midwestern comedy ever ---"

David Burge on Twitter: "Wisconsin fake fitness duo pranks local TV, resulting in the greatest example of Midwestern comedy ever":

Wisconsin fake fitness duo pranks local TV, resulting in the greatest example of Midwestern comedy ever

AM Fruitcake

History for April 29

Image result for william randolph hearst quotes
History for April 29 -
William Randolph Hearst 1863 - American newspaper magnate, newspaper publisher, Hirohito (Emperor Showa) 1901 - 124th Japanese emperor, emperor from 1926 to 1989, Rod McKuen 1933 - Poet
Image result for william randolph hearst quotes Image result for rod mckuen quotes

Willie Nelson 1933 - Musician, singer - his family cites April 29, his birth certificate says April 30 at 12:30am, Dale Earnhardt 1951 - Father of race car driver Dale Earnhardt Jr., Jerry Seinfeld 1955 - Comedian, actor ("Seinfeld")

1429 - Joan of Arc led Orleans, France, to victory over Britain.
Image result for Joan of Arc led Orleans, France, to victory

1913 - Gideon Sundback patented an all-purpose zipper.
Image result for Gideon Sundback patented an all-purpose zipper.

1945 - In a bunker in Berlin, Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun were married. Hitler designated Admiral Karl Doenitz his successor.
Image result for Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun were married.

1945 - The Nazi death camp, Dachau, was liberated.
Image result for Dachau, was liberated.

1952 - IBM President Thomas J. Watson, Jr., informed his company's stockholders that IBM was building "the most advanced, most flexible high-speed computer in the world." The computer was unveiled April 7, 1953, as the IBM 701 Electronic Data Processing Machine.
Image result for IBM 701 Electronic Data Processing Machine.

1961 - ABC’s "Wide World of Sports" premiered.
Image result for 1961 - ABC’s "Wide World of Sports"

1990 - The destruction of the Berlin Wall began.
Image result for 1990 - The destruction of the Berlin Wall began.

1992 - Rioting began after a jury decision to acquit four Los Angeles policemen in the Rodney King beating trial. 54 people were killed in 3 days.
Image result for 1992 - Rioting Rodney King

Friday, April 28, 2017

Dartmouth Study Finds Democrats Are The Least Tolerant Students

Dartmouth Study Finds Democrats Are The Least Tolerant Students:

"A new survey of students at Dartmouth College found that those who identified as Democrats are the least tolerant on campus.
In the campus-wide field survey, students of all political stripes were asked how comfortable they would be about living with a roommate who holds opposing political views."

The way we were-----The 1960s in America: Crash Course US History #40

Out of money already!------QLine funders, other backers get ride on Woodward as streetcar dream nears fruition - Crain's Detroit Business

QLine funders, other backers get ride on Woodward as streetcar dream nears fruition - Crain's Detroit Business
"After nearly 11 years of planning, countless setbacks and finally solving a $187 million funding puzzle, Detroit's new QLine streetcar system on Thursday ferried many of its biggest boosters down Woodward Avenue for the first time.
M-1 Rail's QLine isn't open to the public until May 12, but its funders, along with supporters and government officials, rode the 6.6-mile loop Thursday.
Image result for qline..."It's not that we just built a rail line; it's that we re-engineered Woodward Avenue," Penske said. "We knew we could build value. It's going to take a few years for people to understand what we've done here, but we're going to see a whole new round of investments in these neighborhoods. That's what America needs."
Cullen, ahead of the ride, said a recent study concluded $7 billion in investments have been made since 2013 or are planned for the QLine's stretch of Woodward. 
This includes the $733 million Little Caesars Arena project.
...But the QLine faces challenges. Voters rejected in November a four-county transit tax for Regional Transit Authority funding, which was expecting to take over funding of M-1 Rail in 2027.
The current estimate to operate the streetcar service is pegged at $5.8 million annually. 
Organizers vow to continue private funding of the service until another RTA vote reaches the ballot. 
Cullen previously told Crain's that M-1 has enough funds earmarked for operations through 2022..."

Does This Look Like the Face of a Convicted Cop Killer ESPN Paid Tribute to Before Laying Off 100 People? - Barstool Sports

Does This Look Like the Face of a Convicted Cop Killer ESPN Paid Tribute to Before Laying Off 100 People? - Barstool Sports:
Assata Shakur

"In case you’re not a regular visitor ESPN’s women’s site ESPNW like I am, then you might have missed this piece they posted Tuesday
Five poems about the new feminism. 
And if you did, I truly pity you because they were every bit as awesomely life-changing as you could imagine five poems about the new feminism on a sports site could be. 
Here’s a sample of the first one:
Dr. DaMaris Hill
(for Asatta Shakur)
Revolution ain’t a date in a history book
It’s an ivy that thorns
A lily that pricks. It stings
Like the splash of a copper colored girl
running in a skinned knee
ruining her Easter dress

It goes on from there...
But what’s most interesting is that dedication to Asatta Shakur, whose name is actually spelled Assata Shakur. 
Which is actually an alias for her real name, Joanne Deborah Chesimard. 
At least that’s how they refer to her in the FBI posters that proclaim her their Most Wanted female fugitive domestic terrorist.
From Shakur’s Wikipedia page:
In May 1973, Shakur was involved in a shootout on the New Jersey Turnpike, in which New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster was killed and Trooper James Harper was grievously assaulted; she was charged in these attacks. … In 1977, she was convicted of the first-degree murder of Foerster and of seven other felonies related to the shootout. … She escaped from prison in 1979 and, after living as a fugitive for several years, fled to Cuba in 1984, where she received political asylum. She has been living in Cuba ever since. Since May 2, 2005, the FBI has classified her as a domestic terrorist and offered a $1 million reward for assistance in her capture [and] the New Jersey Attorney General offered to match the FBI reward, increasing the total reward for her capture to $2 million.
...But I’d have to think that when you’re a major media outlet that’s losing subscribers by the tens of millions, drowning in red ink and preparing to end the careers of a hundred loyal employees, promoting cop killers on one of your platforms is not the best business model..."
Read on!

Jeff Sessions lays Justice foundation in difficult 100 days - Washington Times

Jeff Sessions lays Justice foundation in difficult 100 days - Washington Times:

 "The Justice Department has had perhaps the roughest ride of any Cabinet branch during the first 100 days of the Trump administration, facing hostile judges who have blocked the president’s immigration plans, the ouster of the acting attorney general and even accusations of racism leveled against Jeff Sessions during his confirmation hearing for attorney general.
But the department, working arm in arm with the Department of Homeland Security, also has covered the most ground when it comes to implementing the administration’s priorities."