Sunday, November 01, 2015

OBAMA DISCOVERS TOWN REJECTS MUSLIMS: So He Enacts This Sick Revenge ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

OBAMA DISCOVERS TOWN REJECTS MUSLIMS: So He Enacts This Sick Revenge ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily:

"CAIR swings a lot of weight in such cases. It portrays itself as a human rights group. But their practice seems to be that of bullies who, whenever rulings go against them, will initiate legal action as an end run to get the courts to do for them what elected officials will not. The strategy has even been given a name. It’s called “Lawfare Jihad”.

CAIR, while it hypes itself as a human-rights type organization, has a dubious history. (Something about its connections, including Hamas, are laid out here.)

Do we really want Federal Officials usurping local officials’ authority, invoking “compelling government interest”, just to appease special interest groups whose motivations are somewhat less than transparent, and probably not in the public interest?"

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