Wednesday, July 06, 2022

"NYT Karen" the US Flag Wasn't Hijacked by President Trump and 'Red-Staters', Liberals Burned It and Tossed It Away with Their Disdain for America

"NYT Karen" the US Flag Wasn't Hijacked by President Trump and 'Red-Staters', Liberals Burned It and Tossed It Away with Their Disdain for America

New York Times reporter Margaret Renkl believes that patriotic Americans who love the USA and President Trump have hijacked the US flag from liberals.
Margaret Renkle, ‘NYT Karen’, looks and writes like a Karen from hell writing at the Times this weekend:

"Today the American flag has been co-opted by the very cohort who rejected it so roundly during my childhood. Driving through rural Tennessee last week, I saw an American flag hanging from the bucket of a cherry picker parked on the side of the road. The flag waved above a tent offering fireworks for sale. The flag was even bigger than the tent.

...“The sheer volume of American flag paraphernalia that white people seem to own boggles my mind,” tweeted the Times columnist Tressie McMillan Cottom last month. “I assume it just sort of flows to them & they aren’t buying all of it? I’m not sure.”

I’m pretty sure white people are buying this stuff.

But not all of us. Old Glory has become such a strong a feature of Trump rallies that many liberals have all but rejected it, unwilling to embrace the symbol of a worldview that we find anathema. “Today, flying the flag from the back of a pickup truck or over a lawn is increasingly seen as a clue, albeit an imperfect one, to a person’s political affiliation in a deeply divided nation,” Sarah Maslin Nir wrote last year in The Times.

My husband and I stopped hanging up our own flag years ago, long before it got usurped by the MAGA crowd..."

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