Sunday, July 03, 2022

Stealing America's elections-----How Did A Zuckerberg Charity Stooge Win A GOP Primary In Colorado?

How Did A Zuckerberg Charity Stooge Win A GOP Primary In Colorado?
  • Pam Anderson won a race with no money and very few visible voters
"The story of the GOP primary race for Secretary of State in Colorado gets more interesting the more you investigate the results.
...The really big news is that Pam Anderson supposedly won the race with 43% of the vote (266,000 citizens voted for her!) which is an unbelievable result — to say the very least.
It’s truly unbelievable because two months before the primary, Pam Anderson was not just losing to Tina Peters in all the polling and fundraising metrics, but her campaign was broke. 
...You must remember that Tina Peters got 61% of the delegates at Colorado’s Republican Assembly in April. 
What about Pam Anderson — you ask?
  • Pam Anderson did not even attend the Republican assembly
  • She was so unpopular in the Colorado GOP that she was a write-in candidate who only qualified in April.
  • ...The only advantage that Pam Anderson had in this race: she’s on the Board of Directors for Mark Zuckerberg’s private election mafia, the “Center For Tech And Civic Life.”
...One more thing: Colorado uses Dominion Voting Machines..."

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