Monday, March 18, 2024

Lynn Chu - We are in a state of communist takeover.

Lynn Chu - Read the McAfee blather quoted. Yikes. A terrified...
"We are in a state of communist takeover. 
This cannot be allowed to occur...
As this nonsense snowballs it is altogether possible that actual "insurrection" may become necessary. 
At least half the country now recognizes this outright, despite years of denial that things are actually getting that bad...
  • But now we have Schumer insanely pandering to—what?—the Islamist sector of the Democratic base? Urging regime change in Israel? 
  • As Biden opens the border to the worst terrorists and criminals, and sends billions, hundreds of billions, to Russia and China and Iran—the new Axis, who makes it clear that their agenda is to destroy the U.S.? 
Obama and Biden and the radical left whom they represent explicitly make clear that they agree with this Axis agenda. 

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