Wednesday, January 22, 2025

It’s been a while since I reported on my observations on behavior of Arab circles behind closed doors, the ones I’m socially part of.

Schism is now enormous between the majority of Lebanese and Syrians, on one hand, and Palestinians, on the other.  - Clarice Feldman -Hussain Abdul-Hussain@hahussain 
The two sides see their interests as divergent as ever.
  • To Lebanese and Syrians, their interests is in disbanding of militias, restoration of sovereign and functional governments, dissociation from endless Palestinian wars, and focusing on their own problems. By crushing Hezbollah, Israel has helped the Lebanese and the Syrians, who are thankful but would never say it in public.
  • Palestinians, on the other hand, are angry at Lebanese and Syrians for cheering for the end of Hezbollah and militias, want the fight to go on...

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