Monday, February 03, 2025

We need a Manhattan Project level effort to improve our schools immediately!

It is a national scandal how many kids can't read, write, do basic math or even use analog clock to tell time. - Michael Smith
- the first step is to get rid of the Department of Education - or simply hire some project managers to plan and run the educational Manhattan Project, never touching instruction or instructional materials.
It is a national scandal how many kids can't read, write, do basic math or even use analog clock to tell time. 
  • People in the so-called "education establishment" need to be held liable for the lack of performance. 
  • America became an industrial and military power based on simple instruction in one-room country schoolhouses and homes - long before computers were commercially viable. 
At the very least, we should go back to phonics and basic memorization drills - and insist it be done in the home as well...

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