Sunday, April 23, 2006

Turn Lincoln Park into Baghdad?

Debbie Schlussel: "But the name of the company is clearly 'Fitness USA,' not 'Allah's Gym USA.' A Detroit Free Press article, written by resident Islamist reporter Niraj Warikoo, does not tell the whole story, but it is useful as background (if you can read between the lines)."
What's next? "BurkaDay" at Lowes-No Men Allowed!
What ever happened to assimilation?

A boy named Sue?

Boy dies in fall from high-rise: "The child, whom police identified as 16-month-old Saviour God-Scientific Allah, had tumbled out of a bedroom window of a seventh-floor apartment at the North Park Place apartment complex in Southfield"
Sad story but any parent who names their child "Saviour God-Scientific Allah" deserves a bit of extra scrutiny.

No. Not Roosevelt Park....yet....

Charlotte Observer 04/21/2006 House beautiful now house befouled: "The noise, she said, sounded like an elephant belching.'Just braaaaaap,' Meg McCormick said. 'And then it was just...' She searched for words. 'It wasn't oozing, it wasn't rising, it was shooting.'
She was standing at the kitchen counter that night, having just been assured, she said, that the clog removal wouldn't do anything to her house. Now, from the counter, she could see into one of her bathrooms, and black gook was shooting skyward two feet from the bottom of the toilet bowl.
'It was,' she said, 'like we'd struck a small oil well.'"
Sorta like The Beverly Hillbillies without the money and the chick in the skimpy shorts.

Dang! We're doomed again!

Nothing to fear but the climate change alarmists: "Why did the Earth cool between 1940 and 1970?
Beats me. Hitler? Hiroshima? Maybe we need to nuke someone every couple of decades".
OK, I think I've got it.
"New Ice Age", out!
"Nuclear Winter", out.
"Global Warming", out.
"Global Climate Change", in.
I suppose the only real sign of the approaching apocalypse is this new movie STARRING AlGore.
Steyn skewers the junk scientists again.

Mr. Yoest's Ten Simple Rules for Dating My Daughters

Jack Yoest at "Rule Four:
I'm sure you've been told that in today's world, sex without using a 'barrier method' of some kind can kill you. Let me elaborate, when it comes to sex, I am the barrier, and I will kill you."
I kinda agree but am real glad I don't have any daughters.

We're doomed!

The Earth spins at 1,000 mph but it travels through space at an incredible 67,000 mph."
We're all gonna blow off!
Well, it's as believable as second hand smoke causing cancer and republicans causing global warming.....

When did this change?

Big Lizards:Blog:Main: "What seems to be misplaced is the lost journalists' ethic of simply conveying the relevant facts -- rather than trying to force a certain reader reaction (of despair, in this case), no matter how inappropriate it may be."

United 93- the movie

April 16, 2006 - April 22, 2006 Archives: "I won't tell all the action, but I will say that when they beat down that first terrorist, it was quite possibly the most satisfying, cinematic moment I've ever experienced. I'm not sure what that says about me, but it felt good.
Watching the terrorists' faces drop as they realize they won't be able to complete their mission for god-- priceless. The terrorists are portrayed mercilessly."
Great movie review! My kind of woman!

Loose lips reveal demo's duplicity.

Legislator: 'Illegals' will fill jobs: "West Michigan legislator Doug Bennett believes school districts in West Michigan that privatize their custodian and bus driving jobs will be getting rid of 'everyone you trust,' and giving those jobs to 'illegal immigrants.'
Bennett, a Democrat representing the northern Muskegon County district that includes the Reeths-Puffer school district, repeated his remarks three times during a public rally to protest privatization of school jobs.....
'We all know what's going to happen -- they are going to hire illegal immigrants to fill the jobs,' Bennett told Kathie Oakes..........'It's all about money,' he said.
Bennett attempted to clarify his statements after realizing Oakes was standing next to a Chronicle reporter.
The state legislator said his comments shouldn't be misconstrued as anti-immigrant. He also said he wasn't accusing Reeths-Puffer school officials of knowingly planning to hire illegal immigrants to fill custodial jobs.
Bennett said the likelihood of illegal immigrants working as custodians in the district will increase because the board voted to contract those jobs with Enviro-Clean Services of Holland, said Bennett.
Holland, he said, is known for having many illegal immigrants living there.
This guy is an elected State Rep? PANDERER!

I'm embarrassed....

.... to say I agree with the LA Times.
The pay's the thing - Los Angeles Times: "When people like McGuire have $1.4 billion worth of unused stock options, the whole system of incentives is seriously out of whack. "
Senior executive pay is way out of line. I just know the government can't make it fairer.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

We have met the enemy and they are journalists!

Read the whole thing.
The title tells all.
Seems like the left wants accolades more than victory over those who would, and will continue to, kill Americans. Sickening.....
Reporting so good it's criminal?
April 22, 2006
THERE are a lot of ways to react to the annual award of the Pulitzer Prizes, which occurred this week.
You could congratulate the winners, fulsomely or, as is often the case, through the gritted teeth of a strained smile. You could argue angrily that work more worthy should have won. You could shrug in weary indifference and get on with more important things, like moisturizing the cat. You could quite sensibly ignore the whole thing.
This year, though, there was another reaction, one that speaks in a particular way to this nation's extreme polarization and to the new realities of doing journalism in such an environment.
A number of prominent commentators called for jailing three of the prize winners.

Only on FOX!

The Secret War Against President Bush - John Gibson Judge Napolitano John Gibson Big Story Weekend: "What is really going on here is the secret war by CIA-types against President Bush and his policies. This is the group inside the CIA, think Valerie Plame, who think their opinions and analysis of the world should trump whatever it is the president thinks. If the president goes against their opinion, they call The New York Times and start leaking embarrassing stuff.
It's a war against Bush, waged by Americans.
It's wrong, it's illegal and people are going to start going to jail"
These traitors are working for our enemies while we are at war!

Crooks lose county contract?

Arrests could kill body contract: "A body-removal business could be cut loose by Muskegon County following recent arrests of the owner and two employees and the company's failure to provide required documentation."
Another sweet county deal gone bad. Anyone checkin' where the bodies went?

The truth about gas prices A Thought On Gasoline Prices - Rats ... Maybe They Sorta Make Sense: "Instead of listening to talking heads or talk show callers to learn about gasoline prices I decided to just sit down for ten minutes and do a little math. You know...the kind of math we learned in elementary school?"
G Gordon Cal sends this link. He's interested in the facts. Too bad so many care less about facts and more about punishing oil companies. Maybe the US Postal Service should bring us gasoline instead of Exxon?

Nazi tactics in GR! & WOOD TV8 - Grand Rapids news and weather - GR man denies neo-Nazi ties: "Residents in a northeast side neighborhood stood outside a home on Grove Street Thursday night and passed out fliers that claimed the man who lives there is the Southwest Unit Leader for a neo-Nazi group."
Um, isn't this what the Brown Shirts did to the Jews in 1930s Germany?

No Pulitzer for this reporter

Bill Clinton Decimated the CIA: "Upon taking power in 1993, Risen reports, the Clinton administration 'began slashing the intelligence budget in search of a peace dividend, and Bill Clinton showed almost no interest in intelligence matters.'"
Let's see. Bill Clinton destroys the CIA. The CIA gives George Bush flawed info about Iraq. The drive by media reports "Bush Lied". And no one seems interested in fixing the CIA.

Culture of corruption!

Senior Democrat Exits House Ethics Panel: "The top Democrat on the House ethics committee, Alan Mollohan, will leave the panel _ at least temporarily _ while he defends his own financial conduct, Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said Friday. "
Top democrat ain't got no ethics? I'm shocked!

Heebee jeebie alert!

'NYT' Sunday Preview: Madeleine Albright Can Leg-Press 400 Pounds: "NEW YORK In an interview in the The New York Times Magazine that will appear this coming Sunday, Madeleine Albright reveals, among other things, that even at 68, she works out three times a week 'and I can leg-press up to 400 pounds.' This follows a discussion of how she does not expect to re-marry, partly because, as she says, 'I'm intimidating, don't you think?'"
Not the first thought that comes to mind....

We're doomed!

Airdisaster.Com Forums - Military Controller Puts Out Warning: "KEALAKEKUA, Hawaii (U.S. Newswire) -- Eric Julien, a former French military air traffic controller and senior airport manager, has completed a study of the comet 73P Schwassmann- Wachmann and declared that a fragment is highly likely to impact the Eart on or around May 25, 2006. "
Time to put on your tin foil hat?

Funny, they don't look poor...

Yahoo! News Photo: "protest of nude farmers in downtown Mexico City, Mexico, Friday, April 21, 2006. In recent years, the protests from the group 400 Pueblos - who fight for land rights for poor farmers - have become an anual event for city residents, as the men and women from rural southern Mexico stand naked or nearly-naked along the city's busy avenues. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull) "
.... just stupid. Sorta like those geezer girl calendars.

Moral equivalence?

GoodShit:: "CIA Officer Fired for Leaking Classified Info to Media
this story of interest to me for two reasons:
1.Leak tells us that the law broken to subvert FISA for NSA...but revealing illegal stuff not acceptable.
2. President is alleged to have leaked story on Valerie Palme (at least ok'd leak to Libby), yet he is not 'fired.'"
Textbook example of "sophistry".

Why is no one listening?

The Standard : "It has turned Syria and Lebanon into its outer defenses, which means that, for the first time since the 7th century, Iran is militarily present on the coast of the Mediterranean. In a massive political jamboree in Teheran last week, Ahmadinejad also assumed control of the 'Jerusalem Cause,' which includes annihilating Israel 'in one storm,' while launching a takeover bid for the cash-starved Hamas government in the West Bank and Gaza."
This has already happened. Very scary.

Suicidal GOPer-ette?

RealClearPolitics - Articles - The GOP's Betrayal On Speech: "Candice Miller, R-Mich., said that restricting 527s would combat ``nauseating ugliness, negativity and hyperpartisanship.'' Oh, so that is what the First Amendment means: Congress shall make no law abridging freedom of speech unless speech annoys politicians."
Does Candice forget how the truth about Kerry got out? Apparently.....

Old news but....

...... the drive by media keeps repeating the "rich don't pay their fair share" mantra. Here's some ammo to counter their lies. - Taxes: Who Pays, and How Much?: "That tax system is modestly more progressive today than it was a quarter-century ago. In 1980, households in the bottom 20% of the income distribution earned 5.7% of all income and paid 2% of all federal taxes; in 2003 -- the most recent data available -- they earned 4.2% of all income and paid 1% of all taxes. Meanwhile, the highest earning 20% of households earned 45.8% of income in 1980 and paid 56.3% of all taxes. In 2003 those high-income households earned 52.2% of income and paid 65.7% of taxes."

Friday, April 21, 2006

Her first time "loud and disruptive"?

Supermodel arrested for allegedly hitting flight attendant: "The 23-year-old bombshell was aboard Martinair Flight 643 on Thursday. She was ''loud and disruptive all throughout the flight,'' according to a Miami-Dade police spokeswoman."
Someone, get this girl a cheeseburger, fast!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

YouTube - Never before seen Video of WTC attack

YouTube - Never before seen Video of WTC attack

Hero augers in at 84

My Way News - Test Pilot's Body Said Found in Wreckage: "Legendary test pilot Scott Crossfield, the first man to fly at twice the speed of sound, was found dead Thursday in the wreckage of a single-engine plane in the mountains of northern Georgia, authorities said."

Monday, April 17, 2006

Top Ten Female Streakers

YesButNoButYes: Top Ten Female Streakers: "Top Ten Female Streakers
Streaking - a curiously British phenomenon (that guy who streaked behind David Niven at the Oscars notwithstanding). While I was growing up, it seemed that almost every national sporting event in England was interrupted by a naked runner - usually a short ugly hairy man who proved to the crowd just how cold the weather actually was (see Seinfeld, shrinkage).
But while no-one - male or female - probably gives a damn about seeing male dangly bits jogging across a tennis court, I thought there might "

A noble profession....

HOW 'SEX' POL GOT HUSTLED OUT: " 'We actually had nothing on Livingston,' MacDonell tells Page Six. He explains, 'an elected Republican office holder from Louisiana passed us the phone number of a woman who was supposedly Livingston's girlfriend. But when we phoned her, she cursed us and hung up. "

Democrats Vow Not To Give Up Hopelessness | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Democrats Vow Not To Give Up Hopelessness The Onion - America's Finest News Source:
February 27, 2006 Issue 42 09
WASHINGTON, DC In a press conference on the steps of the Capitol Monday, Congressional Democrats announced that, despite the scandals plaguing the Republican Party and widespread calls for change in Washington, their party will remain true to its hopeless direction.
'We are entirely capable of bungling this opportunity to regain control of the House and Senate and the trust of the American people,' Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said to scattered applause. 'It will take some doing, but we're in this for the long and pointless haul.' "

Intellectual Terrorist

Lot's of hate at OSU. BCS related?
JF Buckley: Intellectual Terrorist by Mike S. Adams - Apr 16, 2006: "As a gay man I have long ago realized that the world is full of homophobic, hate-mongers who, of course, say that they are not. So, I am not shocked, only deeply saddened�and THREATENED�that such mindless folks are on this great campus. I am ending now, with the hope that I have seriously challenged you Scott, and anyone who �thinks� as you purport to do. You have made me fearful and uneasy being a gay man on this campus. I am, in fact, notifying the OSU-M campus, and Ohio State University in general, that I no longer feel safe doing my job. I am being harassed"

"Republicans Hate Latinos"

Threads2: "Tucson,'Republicans Hate Latinos'' read the headline on Friday's front-page in red, all-capital letters. No attribution. Just stated as fact. That quote has been in the news since labor activist Dolores Huerta used the phrase in an April 3 speech at Tucson High School. The statement appeared as a quotation above four photos, including one of Huerta. Yet in the Star's presentation, the quote was not attributed, instead presented as fact and in eye-catching red. "

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Hamsters are cool.....

..... hamsters with bling well.. cooler than hamsters without know.....I'm thinking.....

Pretty cool quiz

World's Smallest Political Quiz: "World's Smallest Political Quiz
The ORIGINAL Internet Political Quiz
Take the Quiz now and find out where you fit on the political map!"

Try it. It only take a few seconds. Excellent questions.

A little more info please....."free money"?

Let's see, a federal grant from a bankrupt country, a loan from a bankrupt state and subsidized surfing for all. What's going to happen to companies that employed people and paid taxes to offer this service?
Unstrung - WiMax/Broadband Wireless - WiMax to Muskegon - Wireless Networking News Analysis: "
In one of the most significant WiMax deployments to date, regional service provider Arialink Broadband says it will build out a broadband wireless network for all of Muskegon County, Mich., using 802.16e equipment from Samsung Corp. .
The Muskegon County network is a public/private partnership funded by a $2.2 million federal grant from the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development along with a $4.5 million loan from the state of Michigan's Economic Development Corporation. Arialink will also invest $6 million of its own funds to build the network, says CEO Jason Schreiber. The company has committed to providing high-speed Internet access at speeds of 3 Mbit/s at a cost of $18.99 a month. Faster, higher-priced versions of the service will be available to residents and businesses in the area, providing mobile broadband at bandwidths of 10 Mbit/s and up. "

The power of the press! Nation/World: "Taxes rise and fall from one administration to the next, but the unpopularity of the income tax system is constant.
An Ipsos Poll finds that almost six of 10 people say the system is unfair, a percentage virtually unchanged from two decades ago."
Amazing poll given the fact that the rich pay a greater percentage of federal income taxes than ever before. Fewer people may rely on the MSM for information today but their sophistry continues to misinform the masses. They must be so proud.

Peeps Researching Peeps!

Peep Research - Staley Library, Millikin University, Decatur, IL: "Although scientific and health research has been conducted on Peeps, most notably that appearing on the Peep Research website (see, we have noted an absence of research focusing on the ability of Peeps themselves to actually do research."
About time this valuable research gets its proper recognition!

Pretty clear to me.

New chief justice joins the court's 'liberal' minority: "This is ironic, because it has long been argued that court conservatives such as Roberts are 'strict constructionists,' obedient to the wishes of the nation's Founding Fathers in their interpretation of the Constitution. That's laughable and this case proves it. "
From The Muskegon Chronicle's editorial page. The fine editorialists state "... it has been long argued...", then call that argument "laughable" and then purport to disprove said argument. The problem is the only voices shouting this idiotic "argument" came from The Chronicle and other hystericals on the left. Do they realize how transparent they are?

Steyn warns us again.

Printer Friendly: "Bill Clinton, the Sultan of Swing, gave an interesting speech last week, apropos foreign policy: 'Anytime somebody said in my presidency, 'If you don't do this, people will think you're weak,' I always asked the same question for eight years: 'Can we kill 'em tomorrow?' If we can kill 'em tomorrow, then we're not weak, and we might be wise enough to try to find an alternative way.'
The trouble was tomorrow never came -- from the first World Trade Center attack to Khobar Towers to the African Embassy bombings to the USS Cole. Manana is not a policy. The Iranians are merely the latest to understand that."
We've already tried the ostrich approach of Clinton. I didn't work. It never works. Why is the left committed to trying it again?

Peace in our time?

Bombs That Would Backfire - New York Times: "WHITE HOUSE spokesmen have played down press reports that the Pentagon has accelerated planning to bomb Iran. We would like to believe that the administration is not intent on starting another war, because a conflict with Iran could be even more damaging to our interests than the current struggle in Iraq has been. A brief look at history shows why."
This disgusting historical amnesia conveniently ignores the hundreds of thousands of dead innocents the Iranian leaders have already guaranteed will happen, soon.

Good law!

Medicaid Hurdle for Immigrants May Hurt Others - New York Times: "More than 50 million Medicaid recipients will soon have to produce birth certificates, passports or other documents to prove that they are United States citizens, and everyone who applies for coverage after June 30 will have to show similar documents under a new federal law......
State officials worry that many blacks, American Indians and other poor people will be unable to come up with the documents needed to prove citizenship.
But because it might inconvenience some, the left will fight it to the end. There is a difference in political parties.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

More compassionate liberals.....

Politics Michigan finds this gem from the liberal blogosphere. No wonder drugs for depression are selling so well.....
Politics [Michigan]: "This is the actual posting of some blogger in Saline, Michigan..without editing:
"If you vote for DeVos for governor in 2006, than you're a racist. This is not my opinion, this is incontrovertible fact. Either vote for someone else, or don't vote at all. It's a simple choice, really.

If you want to vote for DeVos, than fine. Just deal with the fact that you're racist slime. Your children will spend their entire lives trying to erase their connection to you."

Have a nice day.
It's amazing that the left is in such disaray...if this is what they have sunk too, they have lost their ability to have an argument or put forth a premise and supporting data. "

Bozo law has unintended consequences.

Wage law could give overtime to thousands: "Robert Boonin, an Ann Arbor-area attorney who specializes in labor law, said the change 'could have devastating effects on employers who have to pay highly compensated employees overtime for the first time.'
'I've talked to some employers about it, and they're amazed,' said Boonin, "
That giant sucking sound you hear is highly compendated jobs leaving Michigan.

"...eliminated by one storm."

How could this monster be any clearer? And the loudest voices are criticizing President Bush. 1936 all over again?
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." (George Santayana) - Iran President: Israel Will Be Annihilated: "President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Israel a 'permanent threat' to the Middle East that will 'soon' be liberated. .....'Like it or not, the Zionist regime is heading toward annihilation,' Ahmadinejad said at the opening of a conference in support of the Palestinians. 'The Zionist regime is a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm.'
Ahmadinejad provoked a world outcry in October when he said Israel should be 'wiped off the map.'

Howling at the moon?

Too angry to think clearly. Bummer for the angry left.
Decision '08: "In the angry life of Maryscott O'Connor, the rage begins as soon as she opens her eyes and realizes that her president is still George W. Bush. The sun has yet to rise and her family is asleep, but no matter; as soon as the realization kicks in, O'Connor, 37, is out of bed and heading toward her computer.
Out there, awaiting her building fury: the Angry Left, where O'Connor's reputation is as one of the angriest of all. "One long, sustained scream" is how she describes the writing she does for various Web logs, as she wonders what she should scream about this day."

Everyone knew this?

This has been going on for decades, right here in Michigan. Why even have an INS (newly renamed USCIS) if we won't enforce our laws? And the politicians want more laws they won't enforce? A pox on both parties!
Illegal immigrants on the job: Is it work Americans won't do, or pay Americans won't accept?: "Undocumented workers -- mostly from Mexico -- long have been part of the farm work force in West Michigan, harvesting everything from Christmas trees to apples to blueberries. "

Friday, April 14, 2006

"...when I earned my Purple Heart..."

BLACKFIVE: Uncle Jimbo radio: ...definitely go read his piece titled The day I earned a Purple Heart. He does an excellent job of describing the feelings of respect for daily life and joy in simple things, that many warriors who survive feel.

"On this day one year ago today is when I earned my Purple Heart (aka- the enemy marksmanship medal)."

Every day. Every day! Remember and thank these brave men and women. God speed.

Oh my God! It's true!

The Scratching Post: Operation Bookworm Has Been Foiled!: Early Indoctrination
"Jingoistic librarian Millicent Gorbdoodler wears an American flag while brainwashing children at the Tom Delay Memorial Re-education Camp."
KTCat hot on the trail of this travesty.

Campus insanity

Ace of Spades HQ: "Officials at the Ohio State University are investigating an OSU Mansfield librarian for "sexual harassment" after he recommended four conservative books for a freshman reading program"
Read the whole post. It's like something out of "Brave New World".

Campaign Stunt

Reality - In an Apparent Campaign Stunt, Granholm Reverses Stance: Calls for Eliminating the SBT by the Year's End: "When given the chance to lead, you abstained. When given the chance to sign a document that mattered, you chose to veto. "
If the MSM would report any of her perfidy, Jenny would be down 20 points by now

Dirty little secret

The "American" car industry is having one of its best years ever. Nissan, Honda, Chrysler, Toyota are booming. The MSM isn't interested in reporting what works, only in propping up what fails. Bummer.
Politics [Michigan]: "The Blame Game...Fact or Fiction?
A simple question: if federal trade, health and tax policy is to blame for the U.S. auto and manufacturing woes, why is The Chrysler Group doing so well...actually increasing market share last year by 5% and turning in a healthy profit in the U.S.?"

Money down the drain?

City moving ahead with arena bar/restaurant: "Lisman's arena management contract specifies that if a club room is built, its proceeds, like those of other concessions, would go to Lisman. However, his annual management fee would drop from $235,000 to $210,000. The $25,000 in annual savings would be used to pay for the cost of building the club room over a 15-year period. "
This is so wrong on so many levels:
1. Why are we taxpayers paying $235,000 to Lisman?
2. Who voted for this outrage?
3. If the City is going to manage the "Club Room", as the article infers, who will manage it, what will be their compensation, will The Chronicle report "freeby passes" given to city employees?
4. Where is there any evidence that the city of Muskegon has ever managed any "private" business successfully?

Don't increased gasoline taxes do the same thing?

Funny, you never see this type of article when tax increases are proposed.
WZZM 13 Grand Rapids - High gas prices affecting Michigan's billion dollar tourist industry:
Grand Rapids - With gas prices expected to hover around the three dollar mark again this summer, Michigan's travel industry is bracing for another tough travel season.
Sometimes the MSM recognizes the laws of supply and demand. And sometimes they sorta forget about 'em.