Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Nothing new here, except the source of U-M allegations

Nothing new here, except the source of U-M allegations
"The bigger long-term problem for Rodriguez, and the clearest sign so far that his time in Ann Arbor could be limited, is that many of his recent players ratted him out about it."

1 comment:

The Wandering Wolverine said...

Except...erm...they didn't. ESPN just reported that they did. As Michael Rosenberg has clearly stated, he WAS NOT APPROACHED BY ANY PLAYERS about this for his "investigative" piece. After it was published, a single former player, Toney Clemons, came forward to agree with it...and is now backtracking. It is now clear that Rosenberg twisted several current players' quotes, who didn't know what his questions were getting at. The vast majority even of former players who have chimed in have supported Rodriguez and dismissed the allegations.