Sunday, January 22, 2023

"...neoliberal left redefines words and phrases to protect them from considering the negative moral consequences of their actions...

Facebook Michael Smith
"Yesterday I made the comment that the neoliberal left redefines words and phrases to protect them from considering the negative moral consequences of their actions. 
  • Words like “abortion”, a medical procedure which inarguably ends a human life, is deleted and replaced with the phrase “reproductive healthcare” to fool the neoliberal mind into believing they support something good and necessary.
Catrin Wigfall, writing at the American Experiment, says:
“Countless teachers have recounted disturbing instances of being assaulted by their students or needing to remove their entire class because of one student throwing desks or trying to stab classmates with pencils and scissors. Yet many teachers don’t report these incidents out of fear of retaliation and threats of termination or suspension. They find their hands are tied as school leadership pushes to lower suspension rates, and when teachers do reach out and seek support from administrators and union representatives on behavior issues, it is often lacking.”
Long story short, “restorative justice” in the neoliberal lexicon is the same as “equity”, the focus is on equality of outcomes (in this case, equalizing the number of suspensions regardless of the offense) rather than enforcing effective policies.
If your schools are using this term, the hairs on the back of your neck should be standing up – and for good reason – restorative justice is just another in a litany of “social justice” ideas that simply do not work." Restorative Justice in Schools

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