Saturday, April 01, 2017

History for April 1

Image result for Otto Von Bismarck Quotes
History for April 1 -
Otto Von Bismarck 1815 - First chancellor of united Germany, Lon Chaney 1883 - Actor ("The Phantom of the Opera"), William Manchester 1922 - Writer
   Image result for William Manchester Quotes

Debbie Reynolds (Mary Frances Reynolds) 1932 - Singer, Actress, mother of actress Carrie Fisher, Ali MacGraw 1938 - Actress, Samuel Alito 1950 - U.S. Supreme Court justice
  Image result for samuel alito quote

1891 - The William Wrigley Jr. Company was founded in Chicago, IL. The company is most known for its Juicy Fruit gum.

1924 - Adolf Hitler was sentenced to five years in prison for high treason in relation to the "Beer Hall Putsch."

1933 - Nazi Germany began the persecution of Jews by boycotting Jewish businesses.

1945 - U.S. forces invaded Okinawa during World War II. It was the last campaign of World War II.
Image result for 1945 - U.S. forces invaded Okinawa during World War II.

1946 - Weight Watchers was formed.

1948 - The Berlin Airlift began.

1954 - The U.S. Air Force Academy was formed in Colorado.

1979 - Iran was proclaimed to be an Islamic Republic by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini after the fall of the Shah.

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