Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Much here!-----What Can The US Senate Teach Us about the Dangers of the COVID-19 Vaccines?

What Can The US Senate Teach Us about the Dangers of the COVID-19 Vaccines? - ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS
  • A review of the common forms of spike protein injuries and the profound consequences of denying them.
"Reprinted by permission from the substack “The Forgotten Side of Medicine”, published by “A Midwestern Doctor”...
Since the COVID-19 vaccines first came out, I have had many vaccine-injured patients, friends have contacted me about relatives who died suddenly, and I’ve spent an immense amount of time reading vaccine injury reports online. 
Once it became apparent that none of my colleagues would consider these concerns because they were trapped in a mass formation about the vaccines being 95% effective and our salvation from the pandemic, I felt trapped and hopeless...

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