Wednesday, June 23, 2021

We've given our children to haters and morons!-----“Anti-Racist” Education Is Neither

“Anti-Racist” Education Is Neither
  • Well-meaning Americans are being suckered into an illiberal political cabal.
"Days before the Fourth of July, the famed KIPP charter schools announced they’d be abandoning their longtime slogan: “Work Hard, Be Nice.” 
In a statement, KIPP’s leaders said they were dumping the decades-old slogan because “Working hard and being nice is not going to dismantle systemic racism.”
KIPP lamented that the mantra encourages students to be “compliant and submissive” and “supports the illusion of meritocracy.” 
The missive closed by declaring that the slogan was at odds with KIPP’s goal: “Schools that are actively anti-racist.”
...Yet “anti-racism,” for all its high-minded claims and surface appeal, proves to be, on close examination, a farrago of reductive dogmatism, coercion, and anti-intellectual zealotry that’s remarkably unconcerned with either improving schooling or ameliorating prejudice...Read all.

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